Jennifer Scandle
1st grade teacher/Life-Long Learner
Graduate Projects

Refocusing on the Vision
When I consider the goals present at the start my MAED journey in relation to my current goals, I feel like the majority have been maintained. In my original statement I discuss wanting to become an effective leader within my school district. I also stated that I did not just want to be another teacher in a classroom at a school, but I wanted to be a leader within my peers. I want my students and my colleagues to respect and look to me as effective and successful in what I do. Another major component in what my initial statement stated was about where I wanted to end up in my career, my end focus is on curriculum, I would like to either be a director of curriculum or work for a company that creates and builds a curriculum program.
As I look at what my professional goals are now at this point in my professional and academic career, I knowingly admit that I still have a lot to learn as well as accomplish. I still maintain the end focus of my career pathway being curriculum. However, within my career the continuation of providing effective and meaningful teaching and leadership goals throughout the entirety of my professional career has now become the forefront of my hopes and goals at the end of all this. To me that is where my goals have changed from my initial program statement to now when I think about my goals. That end of ten-year plan does not seem so important, the right now and the journey until then are what are most important to my goals.
In conclusion when thinking about where I started compared to where I am currently, I would say my goals of being effective and providing meaningful instruction and leadership to accomplish becoming a curriculum leader is still very much the same as when I first started. I think the main difference when thinking about by goals now would be the realization that there is so much more to the whole picture of education and being effective. I also realize the journey of getting to the curriculum leader position much more important that obtaining the actual leadership position. While taking courses at Michigan State it taught me so much about what being effective in education really means. Graduate school now has me looking at education in various different ways as well as views. My courses also made me see that I can still be just as effective and powerful without the title or position of leader, by just practicing those same strategies everyday for my students and colleagues.
Forever Learning
One thing I have learned from being an educator is every year is different. I have realized every school is vastly different as well as every student. There is never a time when learning does not occur in the career path I choose. It is my belief that as an educator I am not only responsible for the teaching and learning that goes on within my classroom but also the teaching and learning that occurs within myself in order to help my students progress. Since beginning my career in education I have taught in three different districts and 5 different classrooms ranging from Prek-5th grade. Each classroom brought a new perspective as well as many new learning experiences. During the beginning of my teaching career I knew I wanted to pursue a masters degree but was not sure what my focus should be. I began to think about what the next few years my look like for me as well as where I wanted a masters degree to take me. Michigan State is where I found myself, pursuing a Masters in Education Leadership. While on this journey I found I had three main goals that I wanted to accomplish and would need some help from the sites that at listed.(To the left)
My first goal to leave the classroom is not one that looks good standing alone, but when explained makes sense. As a classroom teacher my job is to teach students, come up with and use any effective researched based strategy to achieve learning growth. But when what to teach them is continuous changing, or new strategies are being made public it is hard to say what it is that is actually working within the classroom. These changes also make it impossible to buy a solid curriculum to meet all your needs for a few years. This then turns educators to become curriculum builders. My hope is to become one of those builders but in an effective way for fellow colleagues, not just inside my own classroom. I do not want to stay within the walls of a school only helping the children. I would like to become, a leader, someone who helps the teachers, which will in turn help the children.
My second goal is one that connects very deeply with my first goal. Having the opportunity to see different curriculum, as well as strategies within teaching I have found that many pieces get left out. The reasons are numerous ranging from supplies, time, to student readiness. I have had the chance to work on both ends of the curriculum world, one side being –I am on my own and the other side being you must do and use every piece of this curriculum. Neither is perfect but having the freedom to create and teach according to your students and their needs allows for so many more windows to open up for you to teach and the students to learn. My goal is to become someone you builds a curriculum or helps a school develop one from start to finish that works for them and their needs individually.
My third goal is that of being effective in wherever I end up. I have chosen to complete a leadership masters based on the fact that many schools will look for that quality/degree when working with curriculum within their school. My hopes is that whether I land at a company or within a school as a curriculum specialist that I am an effective leader, and that I make the most of what I do. I believe leadership is about knowledge and knowledge comes from continuously learning, it also means that you know it is ok to not always know everything. Learning should never stop and that something I learned throughout completion of my masters, there is so much to learn and so many great ways to be an effective leader.
Project | 01
Goal Reflection
Project | 02
Future Learning
Sites that help: